Forbes talks to Carbon Credentials on helping companies reach their carbon neutral goals

As companies face mounting pressure to cut their carbon emissions, we put our client Carbon Credentials in touch with Forbes to talk about how the data savvy, energy management company is using AI systems to help businesses reach their goal to be carbon neutral.

Carbon Credential’s CEO Paul Lewis tells Forbes how he and his 60 employees are all passionate about wanting to make a difference, to put a dent in the side of climate change.

“We get out of bed every day to be part of the drive towards a low carbon economy…..and our business gives {us} the scope to do that.” 

The company – which has helped one in six UK organisations including brands such as Tesco and Pukka Herbs set independently approved science-based targets to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions -is using its AI platform to analyse 12 million rows of data every day, to assess the energy performance of more than 40,000 buildings across the world.

Using AI enabled data analytics technology, the carbon performance and management company diagnoses and optimises energy usage and monitors performance usage for sustained benefits that positively impact and influence its clients’ environmental, social and financial outputs. By bringing together its technology and expert teams, Carbon Credentials uses this insight and data to create a strategy and to identify opportunities to improve the way a building functions as they have recently done with Village Hotel Club – this has enabled the hotel chain to release over half a million a year in energy savings.

Setting independently validated and approved science-based targets, as they have done for Tesco and Pukka Herbs, also helps organisations stay on track to achieving their sustainability goals, as it provides a well-defined pathway to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with the level of decarbonisation required to keep global temperature increase between 1.5 celsius and 2 celsius.

You can read the full interview here

Happy reading!

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