Queensbridge Care PR campaign: Joint Facebook and local press launch to reopen Cheltenham’s dementia respite care unit

The Campaign

A joint local media and social media launch announcing the reopening of Queensbridge Care’s respite care facility; bringing much-needed support to Gloucestershire families caring for loved ones with dementia.

Rated as outstanding in Caring by the Care Quality Commission, Queensbridge has been providing high-quality permanent and respite residential care for dementia patients in Gloucestershire for over 30 years. With a family-oriented approach to their caregiving, the team’s ethos is to take away the artificial boundaries of institutional living seen in many care settings and celebrate the memories and emotions of each resident for a wholly positive, nurturing experience.

Gloucestershire PR campaign

The COVID-19 pandemic meant that Queensbridge Care, like most other care facilities, had to close its respite care service for the safety of its permanent residents. With the most stringent of measures taken, including twice-daily temperature checks, regular sanitising, COVID-19 testing for staff and residents, social distancing between residents, and staff wearing necessary PPE equipment at all times, the facility remained thankfully COVID-free.

However, with around 1,500 people in Cheltenham living with dementia, the lockdown restrictions were an increasing strain on local Gloucestershire families caring around the clock for loved ones with dementia.  So, when it was safe for Queensbridge to reopen its respite care, Queensbridge approached local Cheltenham based PR agency, HeadOn, to advise on the best way to share this news with the local community, while remaining within budget.

Joint local media and Facebook campaign

Drawing upon its extensive media knowledge and contacts in the local press, HeadOn PR devised a joined-up local news and Facebook campaign supported by professional eye catching visuals that spread the word far and wide on the reopening, while providing a valuable flow of information on dementia care, news and care home updates to local families to demonstrate the value of the Queensbridge brand and its high quality of care.

The credibility of the local media strengthening Queensbridge’s profile and reputation in the area, while HeadOn re-activated and re-energised Queensbridge’s Facebook page to be a more lively, informative source of support through which to connect with the local community. Engagement and reach was instant and rapid, with new followers engaging with posts and connecting with the page from day one.


The Results

BBC Radio Gloucestershire

80,000+ local listeners tuned in to hear Lisa Stanton, Queensbridge care home manager, live on BBC Radio Gloucestershire’s most prominent drive-time show discussing the reopening of the care unit and the much needed support for local families living with dementia after weeks in lockdown.

The press campaign reached over 3 million local people after a further six articles appeared in the regional media announcing the news of the reopening of the unit including in Gloucestershire Echo and Gloucester Citizen’s G magazine and on GloucestershireLive. The Gloucestershire Gazette, Punchline, and SME Business also featured the news.

The social media team then shared all the media coverage on Queensbridge’s Facebook page, attracting a large number of likes, shares and positive comments to spread the news even further.  Comments included: –

This interview with Lisa is well worth a listen for those requiring respite care! It’s a lovely caring and person-centred home!!”

Thank you all at Queensbridge for your wonderful care of my aunt Barbara. Everyone in the family will be pleased to see her looking so happy.”

A campaign that’s been both rewarding and fun – helping Queensbridge to bring much needed care in the Gloucestershire community 


Key Highlights

  • Live interview with care home manager, Lisa Stanton, on the drive-time show of BBC Radio Gloucestershire
  • News featured in GazetteGloucestershireLive, Gloucestershire Citizen, PunchLine
  • Full-feature story in national business news magazine SME Business News
  • Facebook engagement and audience reach rocketed with Queensbridge followers liking, commenting and sharing posts from day one, and new followers joining the page.
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