Re-igniting a brand to build national public awareness

Just before Christmas one of our clients asked us “How can we re-ignite our Safetybank brand and build more national public awareness in the construction and HR industries?”

Safetybank is the first fully digitalised, cloud based health & safety management platform of its kind. It’s a product that’s been in use for a while supporting construction and data, compliance driven companies in digitalising and centralising their health and safety data, However, Safetybank was to be refreshed with a new website and new, cutting edge capabilities but nothing newsworthy enough on its own to capture the attention of the national and trade media. Nor could we launch as a new product.

Therefore, we needed a news angle that was fresh, compelling and thought led to be of media interest, bringing value to their readers whilst sharing the quality and expertise within the Safetybank brand. The HeadOn PR team quickly set about developing a research-led PR campaign that would not only meet these objectives through compelling news, but would also strengthen Safetybank’s ‘new look’ sales and marketing messaging. 

Using its research partner, HeadOn PR designed and executed a study on 2,000 UK construction companies, examining their health and safety procedures.

Struggling through HSE site inspections

The study ‘Reducing Risk In Construction’ by Safetybank revealed:

  • Nearly 70% of UK construction companies would fail or might scrape through an official Health & Safety Excecutive (HSE) site inspection due to inefficient, outdated health & safety data recording and management processes.
  • Over a third risk prosecution by not holding accurate health & safety compliance records.
  • 1 in 5 still manually record data 
  • 20% say the administrative costs to store and maintain H&S records is too large and complicated
  • Nearly a third are not yet meeting the ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety standard
  • Over a third are calling for ways to digitalise and centralise their health and safety processes so documents can be quickly and securely created, shared and downloaded for an audit report. 

HeadOn PR packaged up the findings into a news story to share with the national, business, HR and construction sector media, supported with sharable marketing collateral (e.g. downloadable e-report and infographic) for maximum brand awareness and to strengthen Safetybank’s sales and marketing campaign. 

The data was backed by advice from Safetybank’s team on the potential legal, financial and reputational risks to a company by having poor access and visibility to health and safety data that isn’t being accurately and reliably recorded. A quote from another of HeadOn PR’s clients – Michelle Di Gioia, Partner in the Dispute Resolution team at Gardner Leader solicitors and a Tier 1 ranked (Legal 500) health & safety legal specialist for the construction sector – was also included to the news release to add further depth of expertise to the findings and to help further endorse the Safetybank brand.  

High quality business leads within days of coverage

The Times ran the Safetybank study as a first exclusive with further extensive coverage across construction, business and HR media – generating mass national brand exposure for Safetybank and Gardner Leader solicitors. 

Extensive, widespread media coverage was secured in just two days generating Safetybank several high quality business leads within days including an enquiry from a Government body for Safetybank’s expert insight. 

Coverage highlights secured in all Safetybank’s top tier media titles, including: –

The Times

Construction News – online and print 

Construction Plant News

Construction Industry News

Total Contractor

Start Your Own Business

Health & Safety Update

Personnel Today

A great result all round for everyone.

If there’s no obvious good quality news coming out of your organisation but you want to build brand awareness, then consider alternative, creative ways of creating it but remember it must be newsworthy, relevant and bring value to the media and their readers. 

To find out more about how we can help promote your business and build brand awareness, contact us on +44 (0) 1242 335246 or and ask for Verity Blake, Director.

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