Research campaign makes national headlines

The Campaign

We do the PR for finance advisors representing some of the wealthiest families and property owners across the UK.

In this case, we took an idea for a story around how Labour’s proposed policy to add 20% VAT to private education will affect parents with children in independent schools.

We spent three weeks working with our editorial friends at the FT Money team, supporting them in building out the story and providing them with research based on 1000 parents with children in private education, and quality spokespeople – our clients – to turn an idea into a stand-out piece of editorial.

The research uncovered how the Labour policy would impact parents financially and whether it would affect their future decision to keep their children in independent education. The HeadOn PR team designed the questions, managed the research team, and compiled the findings into a compelling news story which the FT ran online and in print on the front page of the FT Weekend Money section.

The Results

Further widespread media pick up followed, with a total of 20 pieces of coverage reaching an audience of more than 205 million, 65 media mentioning the brand name, and a large proportion containing backlinks. HeadOn secured coverage in titles including:

  • The Daily Telegraph (audience: 31 million)
  • The Daily Mail (audience: 24 million)
  • The FT online (audience: 20 million)
  • The FT print (audience: 30K a day)
  • Yahoo Finance (audience: 112 million)
  • MSN (audience: 338K)
  • Investment Money UK (audience: 1.6K)
  • Independent Schools Council (audience: 31.5K)
  • Social Media and Blog

    The news coverage was also a hit on social media, with the coverage being shared twenty-nine times and receiving almost seventy reactions and 34 comments.

    We also supported the PR activity with a series of social media posts for the client’s social media channels, and a blog to amplify the findings further and support search engine rankings.

    In the words of the FT, “The story was their best read of the last 24 hours and attracted the most comments of any other story that day.”

    Instantly we catapulted our client’s brand in front of the eyes of the millions of national media readers, an audience that includes much of the client’s customer base, with evergreen content that will come up top of any search engine results page for years to come, acting as a referral source for new business leads, time and time again.

    We’re not just another PR agency. We’re a creative communications agency making a big difference to the growth of our clients, get in touch here.

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