Freelance PR

Start-up Business Marketing Strategy

How PR can help start-up businesses stand out! 

When it comes to standing out as a start-up business, B2B PR can be the extra leg-up that you need. Extra eyes and ears make all the difference when spotting opportunities, and PR professionals can help you to know what to do to make the most of them.

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Crafting the perfect press pitch

You have a great story or perhaps an idea for one so how do you get the media interested? Maybe it’s suggesting a briefing or an angle for a compelling, visionary thought…
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The Unethical Boss

We’re talking about bad bosses again! Before it was the absent manager and now it’s the unethical one. We’ve been working with HR magazine and Crossland Employment Solicitors on a PR story…
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Appearing on the BBC

The whole issue around gender dress codes hit the press again yesterday.  HeadOn PR team put our client Crossland Employment Solicitors in touch with BBC News online to discuss employment laws surrounding the…
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Five ways to create media friendly stories

There’s the natural flow of news that comes out of a business as it evolves and develops, from the announcement of new appointments, new business wins, partnership deals to acquisitions or financial…
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