Crossland Employment Solicitors

Crossland Employment Solicitors, specialists in employment law

The Campaign

Does weight matter?

HeadOn PR team developed a brand awareness and thought leadership campaign based on a national survey of 1,000 employers and their attitude towards hiring overweight and obese people following a high profile, EU court ruling which means obesity can constitute as a disability following an unfair dismissal case brought by Karsten Kaltoft, a Danish childminder, who claimed he was sacked by his local authority employer because he was so overweight.

HeadOn PR crafted the research findings into a news story which revealed a prejudice attitude among British employers when hiring obese workers. The story generated mass national media interest including national papers, tv and radio; positioning the MD, Beverley Sunderland, and Crossland Employment Solicitors’ as experts on the legal dangers of a prejudice attitude towards employees and the discrimination laws around obesity and disability.

The Results

  • 35 pieces of coverage – 29 of these pieces of coverage appeared within just one month.
  • Coverage included: – The Telegraph, The Times, The Independent, The Daily Mail, Daily Express, The Sun, Yahoo Finance, Real Business, HR magazine, HR Director, HR Review, and TV/radio appearances on LBC, Share Radio and That’s TV Oxfordshire with MD, Beverley Sunderland.
  • Reached over 37.5 million print and online readers in just two months.
  • The story was also picked up by international media, and even two years after breaking the research, the press continued to cover the story.
  • Research findings were repackaged to strengthen Crossland’s sales and marketing strategy.
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Pukka Herbs

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