The Grim Reality of Ransomware
Timico sought HeadOn’s advice on ways to promote its strength in service with channel partner and ransomware specialist, Datto; positioning both as specialists in cyber security within the national business, tech, finance and legal sector.
The HeadOn team devised and developed “The Grim Reality of Ransomware” joint Timico/Datto national news and marketing campaign which included an in-depth study into the devastating effects of ransomware on UK companies.
The research found that well over half (68%) of the 1000 businesses polled said the effects of an attack were almost instant with data systems going from fully functional to essentially useless within seconds and minutes. This was causing unquantifiable financial cost and immeasurable data loss yet still two thirds of UK businesses have no official ransomware policy in place to guide employees on what to do in the event of an attack.
The findings were supported by an eye catching infographic and packaged up with a compelling news release and a visually downloadable research report – all shared with the media and on social media to generate mass news coverage, to start conversations and to drive traffic back to Timico’s website.
We also re-released the findings as soon as news broke on the WannaCry attack, to heighten awareness on ways to protect against such destructive cyber crimes, which secured even further mass major national news coverage and social media interest.