A study into preparing leaders for the next generation of worker – the Gen Zs.
A previous long standing retained client of HeadOn PR, AchieveForum is a global, award winning leadership development specialist that empowers people to lead through change.
In 2016 the L&D specialist sought advice from HeadOn PR on how to gain recognition and brand awareness across major national business titles that reach C-suite core decision makers as well as further build brand awareness among core HR and L&D titles.
HeadOn PR developed a research-led campaign that would generate high quality data that could be utalised across all strands of the business from PR to sales to marketing, to reach the company’s market ‘sweet spot’ with strong, thought leadership led messaging.
The study, based on feedback from 1,000 leaders and Gen Zs, revealed what inspired Gen Zs in a leader and the challenges leaders faced when managing multiple generations, packaged up with advice from AchieveForum on how to prepare leaders for this new wave of worker and skills to managing a multi-layered workforce with varying demands and needs.