Crossland Employment Solicitors

Crossland Employment Solicitors, specialists in employment law

The Campaign

An insight into attitudes towards transgender workers

In line with Crossland’s ethical business ethos of diversity and fairness in the workplace, HeadOn PR proposed a highly powerful and very topical research led news campaign to highlight discrimination in the workplace towards transgender workers.

Using our research arm 1000 employers were polled which shockingly found that one in three employers admitted to be less likely to hire a transgender person. It also found that few HR professionals  understood the laws around transgender workers and discrimination.

HeadOn PR packaged up the findings as a news story, highlighting Crossland’s call to action – for a change in the Equalities Act 2010 to better protect the rights of all transgender workers – and to position Crossland as a leading voice on the laws on discrimination and the benefits of an ‘all inclusive’ workplace.

The Results

  • Widespread national coverage

  • 26 media titles covered the story in just three days

  • Coverage included in The Independent, The Times The Brief, The Daily Mail, Reuters, City AM, Elite Business, HR magazine, HR News.

  • Interview on Talk Radio

  • Generated a mass response on Twitter
  • Crossland saw website traffic nearly double over the 3 days of the campaign

  • Research findings were repackaged to strengthen Crossland’s sales and marketing strategy

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